Proximities are important to co-patenting activities for Chinese firms with foreign partners. Integrating different proximities to investigate knowledge flows among geographical actors now becomes a newly airing research area. Prior studies have paid very little attention on the mutual interaction between geographic proximity and social proximity during the international technological collaborating processes, though the effect of both of the two types of proximities has been discussed respectively in dozens of researches. This paper, based on co-patenting data of 112 firms, explored the role that social proximity plays on the relationships of geographic proximity and international co- patenting activities by adopting the methodology of entire network analysis. This research found out that geographic proximity has insignificant effect on the extent of importance of knowledge ties but positively correlate with distance between firms in network. This result indicates that geographical proximity does not impede cross- national co- patenting activities. Social proximity has mediating effect on the relationships between geographic proximity and nodal distance in network which indicates that social closeness of researchers between Chinese firm and foreign company facilities knowledge collaboration among territorial dispersed partners.