为研究深水系泊系统静力特性,以工作水深为320 m的转塔式浮式生产存储系统为例,首先计算出每种类型锚泊线的水平张力TH-水平跨距X曲线、上端系缆点水平移动距离、每根锚泊线新的水平跨距,插值求出此时的每根锚泊线水平张力,投影合成后即得上端系缆点移动后的系泊系统X方向水平恢复力,垂直方向的恢复力计算方法与此类似。相应计算结果与Dynfloat软件结果相吻合。
A turret moored FPSO in water depth of 320m is selected to investigate the computational method of the static characteristics of the deep water mooring system. Firstly, the curve of horizontal tension TH against hori- zontal span X is calculated and the results are expressed in discrete points. The horizontal transfer distance of the top point is presented in turn to calculate the corresponding new horizontal span of every mooring line. The horizontal tension of every mooring line is calculated by numerical interpolation in the corresponding TH-X curve according to the new horizontal span. Projecting TH at direction of X and integrating it as total, the horizontal restoring force on the top point at direction X of the mooring system can be got. The calculation of the vertical restoring force is similar to that mentioned above. The results are compared with those from Dynfloat and the agreement is good.