以毛茛科升麻属植物升麻(Cimicifuga foetida)、金莲花属植物短瓣金莲花(Trollius ledebouri)和飞燕草属植物飞燕草(Consolida ajacis)为材料,应用整体透明和石蜡连续切片方法,对3种植物幼苗形态特征及初生维管系统结构进行了观察.结果表明:升麻子叶脉序为较简单的离基不完全顶聚脉,短瓣金莲花为环结曲行羽状脉,飞燕草为较复杂的基出完全顶聚脉.升麻属幼苗子叶节区下部的维管柱为中始式二原型长方形单中柱,金莲花属为外始式二原型半弧形单中柱,飞燕草属为外始式二原型双扇形单中柱.分析上述子叶脉序特征和维管柱类型,认为3属中升麻属最原始,金莲花属次之,飞燕草属进化程度最高.
The morphological characteristics and primary vascular system of seedlings including :5 species m 3 genera were researched with tissue cleaning and paraffin sectioning. Representation of genus Cirnicifuga was Cimicifuga foetida, while Trollius ledebouri and Consolida ajacis were respectively as representative of genera Trollius and Consolida. It was found that C. foetida, T. ledebouri and C. ajacis separately had simple Suprabasal-Imperfect-Acrodrornous venation, more complicated Brochidodromous-CamptodromousPinnate venation,and the most complicated Basal-Perfect-Acrodromous venation in their cotyledons. There were three different stelar types in the lower part of cotyledon node zone (CNZ) of the three genera. Genera Cimicifuga and Trollius,two new stelar types,had respectively primitive mesarch diarch rectangle haplostele and more evolutionary exarch diarch arc haplostele. And genus Consolida had the most evolutionary exarch diarch double-flabellate haplostele. It was thought in terms of the cotyledon venation and the stellar types that the evolvements of the three genera were that Cinzicifuga was the most primitive, Trollius took the second place and Consolida was the most developed.