野外快速获取土壤各类理化参数的技术手段是土壤科学的重要研究方向,也是传统土壤理化测试分析向土壤野外实时监测方向发展的重要技术支撑。国际土壤科学联合会(IUSS)在2008年专门成立了土壤近地传感器技术(Proximal Soil Sensing,PSS)工作组,开展有关各类土壤近地传感器原理、技术、设备、应用等方面的学术交流。本文就目前国内外有关土壤近地传感器方面的研究工作按照其设备工作原理的不同进行了分类总结和说明,最后指出了当前土壤近地传感器技术发展存在的主要问题和发展趋势。
How to acquire soil physico-chemical parameters instantly in the field is an important orientation of the research of soil science, and the technology is also a potential way to complement or replace the conventional soil laboratory analysis with field-based measurements. In 2008, a Working Group on Proximal Soil Sensing was formed in the International Union of Soil Sciences ( IUSS). The working group is oriented to provide a platform for academic exchange on theories, technology, equipment and application of various proximal soil sensors. In this paper, researches on proximal soil sensors are classified per operation principles of the sensors and elaborated separately, and in the end, main problems and trends of the development of PSS are pointed out.