The objective of this research was to study the way of partner-hybrid breeding between high oil corn (HOC) hybrid and normal corn (NOC) hybrid. 20 popular NOC hybrids were used as female to cross with 10 HOC hybrids varying in oil concentration to get 200 inter-hybrids. Based on the xenia performances of kernel weight and kernel oil concentration in inter-hybrid kernel after pollination, quality and yield traits such as oil concentration and kernel weight were analyzed. The results showed that the oil concentration of NOC seed parent increased significantly after pollinated with HOC pollinators. No significant interactions were observed for kernel weight and kernel oil concentration in the crosses. Whereas the kernel weight of the crosses ND62 × 187, ND62 × 931 and Shendan16 × 961 increased slightly. Considering oil concentration, yield, plant height and flowering date, different partner-hybrids were proposed for different areas. Partner-hybrid breeding was discussed.