In order to obtain the influence of incident shock strength on the focusing of shock wave in a parabolic cavity, the adaptive refined mesh and wave propagation method are used to simulate the reflection and focusing of planar shock wave in a 2D parabolic cavity with incident shock Mach numbers of 1. 1, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0. Numerical results indicate that the reflection of incident shock from the cavity wall is direct Mach reflection, invert Mach reflection and transition regular reflection in order. High energy zone is resulted from the collision of triple points as well as Mach stems. The shock wave reflecting from the cavity wall before and after focusing only reflects from symmetry plane after focusing and finally does not reflect as the incident shock strength increases. The distance and interval between triple points reflecting from wall and symmetry plans decrease with the increase in the Mach number of incident shock wave.