本文报道了利用激光氟化系统对一系列硅酸盐标准矿物三氧同位素组成(δ^(17)OV-SMOW、δ^(18)OV-SMOW和Δ17O)高精度的分析结果。由于目前国际上缺乏已知δ^(17)OV-SMOW的标准物质,利用空气中O2的Δ17O和已知的参考气体δ^(18)OV-SMOW对实验室参考气体的δ^(17)OV-SMOW进行了标定;据此测定的标准矿物的Δ17O结果与前人发表的利用V-SMOW直接标定参考气体δ^(17)OV-SMOW的结果在误差范围内一致。被分析矿物的δ^(17)OV-SMOW和δ^(18)OV-SMOW之间展示了很好的质量控制分馏关系,其回归线的斜率和截距分别为0.525(±0.006)和-0.160(±0.05)。随着分析次数的增加,新纯化的Br F5中NF3的量会持续降低,这对更准确地把握δ^(17)OV-SMOW的测定条件具有重要意义。
The high precision triple oxygen isotopic compositions( δ^(17)OV-SMOW,δ^(18)OV-SMOWand Δ17O) of silicate minerals are analyzed by using a laser fluorination system. Because of the lack of mineral references with certified δ^(17)OV-SMOW,we calibrate the δ^(17)OV-SMOWof our reference gas based on the Δ17O of air O_2 and the known δ^(18)OV-SMOWof the reference gas. Our results calibrated in this way are consistent within the analytical error range with those of the reference gas calibrated by other laboratories using the V-SMOW. Moreover,a single mass-dependent line with slope and intercept of 0. 525 ± 0. 006 and- 0. 160 ± 0. 05,respectively,is shown in a δ^(17)OV-SMOW- δ^(18)OV-SMOWdiagram of our analytical results. In addition,it is noticed that the amount of NF3 in the newly purified Br F5 will be gradually decreased along with the increase of numbers of analysis. This provides a way to reduce the isobaric interference from NF+,and is helpful for establishing a better analytical procedure for the precise δ^(17)O measurement.