In order to use grid points for simulating the scattered electromagnetic fields with complicated geometries, a finite-volume time-domain algorithm based on cell-vertex of the unstructured grids is studied. Referring to the approach used in computational fluid dynamics, both Steger-Warming flux vec- tor splitting and approximate Riemann solver are introduced in dealing with the computation of flux re- lated to the governing equations, and an explicit four-stage Runge-Kutta scheme is employed in time dis- cretization. By using the developed algorithm, scattered fields and bistatic radar cross section are calcu- lated for complicated cases of aerodynamic shapes with cavity, external obstacle or an external store. Numerical examples show that both the bistatic radar cross section and the computational efficiency are nearly the same by using either Steger-Warming flux vector splitting or approximate Riemann solver. The results also show that the scattered characteristics of the main aerodynamic shapes with or without cavity, external obstacle or an external store are obviously different, particularly for the case of aerody- namic shapes with an external store. Additionally, the presented method has the ability to accommodate more complicated geometries due to the use of cell vertex of the unstructured grids.