Providing grass mats as a substrate for captive red -crowned crane( Grus japonensis)in winter is an important protection countermeasure at Zhalong National Nature Reserve. To evaluate the effects of substrate grass on captive birds, and to perfect the protection countermeasures, we observed and compared the difference of energy balance, behaviors and body changes of red - crowned crane in cages(6 m×4 m ×4 m) with and without mat grass. We recorded data over a period of 7 days in early winter in December 2013 and again in late winter in March 2014 in their natural habitat in Zhalong National Nature Reserve. Fourteen adults older than 5 years of age were divided into two groups, group Y with substrate grass(3 females and 4 males) and group W without substrate grass(3 females and 4 males). After substrate grass was provided in early winter, the corn intake, gross energy intake, and energy of intake corn by group W were significantly greater than by group Y( P 〈 0. 001 ). Gross water intake and fluid water intake was significantly lower for group W than for group Y( P 〈 0. 05). Diurnal frequency of defecation by group Y(on the ground without substrate grass in the cage)was significantly greater than for group W. Diurnal time budg- ets for feeding, rest, vigilance, and wandering were significantly different between two groups( P 〈 0. 05). The 5 cranes of group Y lay prone and rested on the substrate grass at night. After the substrate grass was removed in late winter, corn intake was significantly greater for group W than for group Y( P 〈 0. 05), while gross energy intake, frequency of defecation, diurnal time budget, and nocturnal standing spot of the two groups were similar. In winter, the abdominal coverts were stained due to lying prone and resting on substrate grass at night. In the coldest month of winter, the substrate grass protected the cranes' instep, metatarsus and claws from frostbite, and aided thermal insulation while reducing energy consumption. It proved