为了系统掌握我国北亚热带东部地区的黏菌物种资源多样性,在华东苏、浙、皖三省进行了黏菌的野外标本采集、室内湿室培养和鉴定分类研究。确定三省已知黏菌6目11科34属148种,其中,江苏省有黏菌6目11科28属108种,紫褐筛菌Cribraria languescens等12种为江苏省新记录种;浙江省有黏菌6目10科24属72种,橙黄半网菌Hemitrichia abietina等16种为浙江省新记录种;安徽省有黏菌6目10科28属92种,粉红双皮菌Diderma testaceum等15种为安徽省新记录种。本文还对一些物种分类地位和名称变化进行了订正,同时记述了每个物种的生境和在我国华东三省的分布。这一研究反映出亚热带地区黏菌多样性研究的巨大潜力,也丰富了对我国黏菌物种多样性组成和分布格局的认识。
Field collecting, moist chamber culturing and species identifying of myxomycetes from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhu were made in order to understand the species diversity of myxomycetes in the northern subtropical region of China. In total, 148 myxomycete species have been recognized from this region until now, belonging to 34 genera of eleven families in six orders Among them, 108 species were found from Jiangsu including twelve species new to the province; 72 from Zhejiang including sixteen new to the province; 92 from Anhui including fifteen new to the province. The taxonomic positions and names of some species were emended. The habitats and distributions of each species from the three provinces were given. This result enriches the knowledge of myxomycetes in the subtropical region as well as in China