2005~2008年在重庆云阳县和奉节县对文县疣螈Tylototriton wenxianeruis进行了10处实地考察,其中9处看见或采集到标本,1处为寻访调查;在1处观察到其求偶行为。结合文献和标本查阅结果,更具体地了解到重庆市文县疣螈的分布情况和各地种群生存现状的信息,从而为该物种的地区性保护提供相关策略。
Tylototriton wenxianensis populations were surveyed at ten localities distributed in Yunyang County and Fengjie County, Chongqing, China from 2005 -2005. Tylototriton wenxianensis were observed or specimens were collected at nine localities by the authors, observed at one locality by the locals only. Based on the detailed information obtained from our supplemental survey together with data from literature and specimens preserved in the museum of the Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, a conservation strategy for Tylototriton wenxianensis in Chongqing was provided.