公路弃土场是道路侵蚀的重要单元之一,对其土壤侵蚀机理的研究与模拟是完善道路侵蚀模型、准确预测流域产沙量的基础。通过不同雨强(0.6~2.79 mm/min)的人工降雨实验对不同坡度(19.4%~78.1%)的弃土场坡面及坡度为30.6%的弃土场施工道路的土壤侵蚀规律进行了研究,并提出了弃土场土壤侵蚀预报方法。结果表明:弃土场土壤侵蚀速率与雨强呈较好的幂函数关系;小雨强下容重与侵蚀速率呈正相关,大雨强下容重与侵蚀速率呈负相关;弃土场坡面侵蚀量与坡度呈正相关,但侵蚀量随坡度的变化趋势与陡坡耕地有较大差异;使用EI30、容重及坡度等因子可以较好地预测弃土场土壤侵蚀量。
Highway waste dump plays a quite important role in road erosion.Studying highway waste dump erosion is the base of completing road erosion model and it will also be helpful to predict watershed sediment yield accurately.Rainfall simulations with different intensities(0.6~2.79 mm/min) were employed to study the soil erosion processes of highway waste dump with different slope gradients and its construction roads.In addition,a model for predicting highway waste dump soil loss was also proposed.The results showed that: Soil loss rate of highway waste dump increased with rainfall intensity in the form of power function;The effects of soil bulk density on soil loss rate changed with the rainfall intensity,soil bulk density had a positive effect on soil loss rate under low rainfall intensitied,while soil bulk density had a negative effect on soil loss rate under high rainfall intensity tests;Soil erosion of highway waste dump increases with the increased slope,but the relationship of soil loss and slope gradient were quite different from that of croplands;Soil loss of highway waste dump could be predicted precisely with EI30,soil bulk density and slope gradient.