According to the average daily temperature and daily precipitation data from 11 meteorological stations in desert steppe in Inner Mongolia during the period of 1961--2010, the temporal and spatial variation of climatic aridity in the steppe in recent 50 years was analyzed using the improved formula of Selianinov AI and AreGIS soft- ware. The results are as follows: ① The average aridity and aridity degree increased gradually from the southeast to the northwest; ② Under the temperature increase and precipitation decrease in the steppe, the aridity index was in an increase trend in most regions except in the central-western region, that is the climatic drying trend in desert steppe in Inner Mongolia was significant; ③ According to the analyzed results of aridity, the 1970s was a relatively wet decade, and the aridity increased significantly in the early 21st century. The drought area was e year, it was enlarged for nearly three times up to the early 21st century, and the drought trend was nlarged year by significant ; ④ The 4.0-contour of aridity was gradually shifted towards the typical steppe southeastward. The 1960s was regarded as a starting decade, a relatively low variation occurred before the 1990s, but a significant variation occurred from the early 21st century. Moreover, the variation and the spatial shift amplitude were high in the east of the study are- a, and they were relatively low in the west.