【目的】探讨不同甜高粱品种糖产量的差异及其与干物质生产分配及氮素利用的关系。【方法】在充分发挥个体生产潜力条件下(大田种植密度15 000株/ha),采用聚类分析、相关分析及通径分析的方法,对国内外30个甜高粱品种抽穗期和成熟期干物质积累分配及成熟期氮素利用特性进行研究。【结果】依据成熟期整株糖产量进行聚类分析,供试品种划分为早熟低产型、早熟中产型、中熟较高产型和晚熟高产型4类,其中高产型仅占23.3%。与中产和低产型相比,高产型甜高粱品种植株含氮量低,尤其叶片和茎秆N%明显降低,含糖量与植株N%负相关(-0.592^**),是高产甜高粱品种维持较高含糖量的重要原因。高产型甜高粱品种氮在器官间分配比例为茎秆〉叶片〉穗,与成熟期物质分配表现一致,有利于获得高茎秆生物量,同时保障叶源量大、叶片光合同化物供应能力较强。相关分析和通径分析表明,干物质积累量、氮素糖产量生产效率与糖产量均呈极显著正相关,且二者对糖产量都起正直接作用,含氮量则表现相反,对糖产量起负作用。【结论】高糖产量甜高粱品种特征为:在较高含糖量基础上,氮素优先分配给茎秆,显著提高茎秆生物量。高生物量、高氮素糖产量生产效率和低含氮量,可作为选择高产甜高粱的重要衡量指标。
【Objective】The diference of soluble sugar yield between diferent sweet sorghum varieties was discussed to reveal the relationship between sugar yield(SY) with dry matter production and nitrogen utilization of different sweet sorghum varieties.【Method】Thirty sweet sorghum varieties were randomly cultivated at a low density of 15 000 plant/ha.Clustering analysis,correlation analysis and pass analysis were used to analyse dry matter(including stem,leaf and sheath,ear) production per plant at both heading and maturing stages,as well as nitrogen utilization among different organs at maturing stage.【Result】Through hierarchical cluster analysis of sugar yield per plant,the tested sweet sorghum varieties were sorted into 3 types,i.e.,low-SY with short duration,mediate-SY with short duration,high-SY with mediate duration and high-SY with long duration,with high-SY type accounted for only 23.3% of the tested varieties.Results showed that,nitrogen content was significantly lower in high-SY type,especially in stalk and leaf and sheath,as compared to the low and mediate types,which benefited its high sugar content to some extent because of the reverse correlation between sugar content and nitrogen content(-0.592^**).As for nitrogen partition between various organs for high-SY type,largest proportion of nitrogen was distributed to stalk preferentially,followed with leaf and sheath,with panicle took the least participation in nitrogen accumulation,with a similar tendency of the dry matter partition of various organs,that contributed to obtaining high stalk biomass and ample leaf area to providing enough photosynthetic assimilate.Results of both correlation analysis and path analysis indicated that the correlation coefficients between SY with the dry matter accumulation and nitrogen productivity efficiency for SY was significantly positive,further these two items exerted direct effect on SY.However,nitrogen content of whole plant had a negative effect on SY,i.e.,the higher nitrogen content the lower S