The metropolis such as New York, London, Paris which have always been regarded as the benchmark have been endured the most serious impact and influence since the global financial crisis, which cause to reexamine the status and role of manufacturing in the cities. We have found that the manufacturing sector is attached great importance by analyzing the current situation of the manufacturing sector in the metropolis. By studying the mechanism of the changes in metropolitan industrial structure, we could neither suppress the manufacturing sector in order to pursue high - class industrialization nor ignore it in order to pursue high technology. We cant blindly pursue highteeh while ignoring the development of traditional manufacturing industries. Moreover, We should strive to use the aggregation effect formed by the industry and population gathered together in the metropolis, to develop the manufacturing sectors which are relatively more affected by services and high class degree of the quality of labor force, to promote the coordinated development of the secondary industry and the tertiary industry, traditional manufacturing industry and advanced manufacturing industry.