为了解汾河上游藻类植物的分布和水质状况,对17个样点的藻类植物群落结构及环境因子进行调查,并运用SPSS 13.0和DCA进行数据分析,进而对该区域的水质状况进行评价。结果显示:1)汾河上游藻类植物共计有91属286种,隶属于7门,其中蓝藻门(Cyanophyta)21属38种,绿藻门(Chlorophyta)40属92种,硅藻门(Bacillariophyta)25属147种,其它4门共5属9种;2)优势种主要有小席藻(Phormidium tenue)、微小平裂藻(Merismopedia tenuissima)、梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana)、尖针杆藻(Synedra acus)等41种,均为α-中污、β-中污、α-寡污、β-寡污指示种;3)物种多样性指数和物种丰富度指数从源头向下逐渐降低,水质污染情况逐渐加剧。 总体分析,虽然汾河上游水质较好,但有的样点污染已较严重,而且从源头向下污染有增加的趋势;鉴于该流域目前的水质状况,提出了相应的预防和治理措施。
To understand the algal distribution and water quality in the upstream of the Fenhe River, the algal community structure and environmental variables were investigated at 17 sampling sites. The data were analyzed with SPSS 13.0 and DCA software. All together 91 genera, 286 species (including varieties) belonging to 7 divisions were found. Among them, 38 species of 21 genera belonged to Cyanophyta, 92 species of 40 genera to Chlorophyta, 147 species of 25 genera to Bacillariophyta, and 9 species of 5 genera to other 4 divisions. There were 41 dominant species of α-mesosaprobic type, β-mesosaprobic type, α-oligosaprobic type and β-oligosaprobic, including Phormidium tenue, Merismopedia tenuissima, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Synedra acus, etc. Species diversity and species richness decreased from the headwater in the upstream of the Fenhe River, revealing gradually aggravating water pollution. The water quality was generally good, with more and more serious pollution from the headwater downward in the upstream of the Fenhe River. Based on the water quality and algal composition, measures were proposed for conducting comprehensive management of the Fenhe River. Fig 6, Tab 3, Ref 28