The violent crime is a highlighted problem of modern society, and it is always having a devastating impact on individuals andtheir families. Until now, there has been a relative dearth of research on the effects of neurocognitive factors on violent offenders. Aneurocognitive perspective on violent offenders suggests that violent offenders have signi? cant cognitive impairments that may contributeto their violent lifestyle. Eckhardt el al. ( 1998 ) observed that batterers tended to commit a variety of cognitive errors. While the sourceof these cognitive errors is not known, one hypothesis is that violent offenders have a bias towards over- allocating attentional resourcesto negative affective stimuli. The present study used event - related potentials (ERP) to investigate whether violent offenders are morevigilant to negative emotion. The N2pc ERP component was measured as an index of the allocation of spatial attention. This study teststhe hypotheses that violent offenders have a neurocognitive bias favoring negative affect (angry face) stimuli. We recruited 26 male inmates from a local prison, 13 violent offenders, 13 nonviolent offenders. Besides, there were no signifi-cance difference between violent and nonviolent offenders on the state anxiety and Aggression Questionnaire (p 〉0 . 05 ). Three malesubjects were excluded from data analysis because of excessive artifacts during EEG recording. Facial stimuli, which were made by theFaeegen Modeller program, were used to convey negative information. The faces were comprised by four individuals (2 females) eachposing neutral, happy, and angry expressions. The external features of each of the faces were removed and the internal features werepresented in a black rectangular frame. The experiment was comprised of five blocks. For each block, 128 trials were delivered. The faces were presented for 500 ms, fol-lowed by a random fixation between 500 - 1000 ms. The subjects were told to search the target face (angry or happy face) and responseas