An inversion algorithm was presented, which can retrieve the atmospheric water vapor content from direct solar irradiance measurements of sky-radiometer at 940 nm under clear-sky conditions. For the traditional method, the atmospheric transmissivity and total columnar water vapor content are generally calculated by radia- tive transfer model with accurate spectral response function of sensor through a modified Langley plot method. The constants of a and b were calculated directly by using combination of this method and measurements from sky radiometer. The constants can describe water vapor transmissivity and not dependent on the accurate spectral response function. Meanwhile, the constants (a and b) include the seasonal variations of vertical profiles of air temperature, pressure, and moisture over observation site and may reduce the error of water vapor content re- trieved from the traditional method. This method is preliminarily applied to the sky-radiometer data collected at the Semi-Arid Climate and Environment Observatory of Lanzhou University (SACOL) from March to August 2009. And the water vapor content during this period was retrieved. Firstly, compared the results obtained from sky-radiometer and microwave radiometer with the simultaneously radiosonde, and the validations show that the results from different methods are both reliable. Secondly, the results derived from sky-radiometer agreed well with microwave radiometer and sun photometer. The fitting slope values are 1.03 and 1.64, respectively. While the correlation coefficients are all greater than 0.95 with the relative error ranging from 2.1% to 11.3 %. This method can be widely used to compute the water vapor content measured by sky-radiometer in SKYNET over East Asia.