为探究不同品种芥菜腌制适应性,以镇远圆杆青、清镇本地青、黔青2号、鸡冠青菜、晴隆青菜、黔青1号、黔紫红和广西客家芥为原料,在常温条件下,以15%食用盐进行腌制,对腌制过程中芥菜的感官品质、营养保存、卫生安全进行研究.结果表明,腌制后75 d,8个品种中黔紫红的脆性最好,其次是镇远圆杆青和鸡冠青品种,广西客家芥的脆性最低,其品质柔嫩,宜鲜食.鸡冠青菜和镇远圆杆青的叶柄宽厚,高盐腌制后脆度仍较高,整株可加工部位比重大.8个品种的挥发性硫甙降解产物较多,有7~9种.晴隆青菜的挥发性硫甙降解产物中腈类相对含量最高,为15.08%,且氰类及异硫氰酸酯类物质占总挥发性物质相对含量较高,达到74.92%.
For the purpose of verifying processing adaptability of different mustard cultivars in curing process, raw material mustard, which were Zhenyuan round-bar, Qingzhen local, Qianqing 2, Cockscomb, Qinglong, Qianqing 1, Qianzihong and Guangxi hakka, were soused in proportion of 15% salt at standard temperature ranges, the organoleptie quality, nutritional preserving rate and hygienic security was determined in the curing process. The results showed that Qianzihong owned first rate of brittleness, with Zhenyuan round-bar rated second and Cockscomb rated third. Guangxi hakka was the lowest among eight varieties while pickled for 75 days. Guangxi hakka owned soft quality and was fit for eaten fresh. Leafstalk of Cockscomb and Zhenyuan round-bar was lenient and thick, brittleness preserved well after high salt souse, and proportionate machinable position of whole plant was large. Volatile degraded glucosinolate products of eight varieties were many as 7 to 9 kinds. Nitriles of volatile degraded glucosinolate products in Qinglong was 15.08%, and cyanogen and isothiocyanic ester of total volatile substance reached 74.92%, highest of all.