In order to understand the interspecific segregation in Osmanthus fragrans forest, we investigated 36 quadrats with 10 m × 10 m and drew a distribution map of all trees with H ≥ 1.5 m and species numbers 〉 10. Based on the data, using coefficient of segregation by the subtable of the N x N nearest-neighbor contingency able, the interspecific segregations of the tree species in Osmanthus fragrans forest were studied. The result of interspecif- ic segregation indicated that the most of the species-pairs (such as Osmanthus fragrans-Cyclobalanopsis nubium, Loropetalum chinensis-Laurocerasus zippeliana, Broussonetia kazinoki-Rhus chinensis and so on)were positively seg- regated (61.54%), only a few species-pairs( such as Osmanthusfragrans-Loropetalum chinensis, Liquidambarfor- 'mosana-Castanopsis carlesii, Castanopsis carlesii-Castanopsis sclerophyUa and so on )were randomly segregated (38.46%) disturb and , no negatively segregated pairs were found. The pairs tended to be positively segregated, due to human their ecological characteristics. In addition, the overall segregated pattern in all species in the commu- nities was studiedχ2 by test based on the N x N nearest-neighbor contingency table. The result showed that 14 stud- ied species overlapped in distribution and were characterized by overall non-segregation. Meanwhile, the relation- ship between interspecific segregation and interspecific association was analyzed that the pairs with significant positive association were not negatively segregated pairs.