【目的】马铃薯Y病毒属(Potyvirus)是世界上最大的两个植物病毒属之一,对多种农作物造成危害。利用文献数据库,客观地分析国内外Potyvirus研究的发展动态,为国内外Potyvirus科研工作者和决策者提供参考。【方法】基于Web of Science数据库,采用文献计量学方法,对全球发表于1985 2012年的Potyvirus文献的国家、作者、机构、载文期刊及研究内容进行了数量和质量分析。【结果】检索到全球60个国家发表的Potyvirus文献2 442篇,以及每篇文献的被引频次和每个国家、机构及作者的H指数。经分析得出:全球Potyvirus研究论文的产出量自1991年呈稳定上升趋势,文献的数量和质量在统计的国家中,以美国最好,其次是法国、西班牙、澳大利亚、英国;美国的高产活跃作者最多;Potyvirus研究的热点是基因沉默和分子生物学,并随着研究技术方法的革新将不断深入;研究方向更多倾向于寄主方面的研究(如基因沉默、寄主抗性、与寄主互作等)及交叉学科;而中国在Potyvirus基础研究上距离国际先进水平还有很大距离,研究力量较少,有影响力的论文较少。【结论】美国在该领域的研究处于领先水平,我国仍需加强Potyvirus基础研究力量投入,努力缩短差距。
[Objective] Potyvirus is one of the largest plant virus genus, causing significant losses in a broad range of host. We give an objective analysis of the development trend on Potyvirus in worldwide by bibliographic database, provide a reference for Potyvirus scientists and policy makers, and promote Potyvirus research work. [Methods] Based on Web of Science database, the countries, the authors, institutions, papers journals and research area of the Potyvirus literature published in 1985?2012 all over the world, are carried out quantitative and qualitative analysis. [Results] The number of Potyvirus documents published were totally 2 442 from more than 60 countries. At the same time, each literature citation frequency and the H index of every country, institution or the author were retrieved. The output of the Potyvirus research papers in worldwide was a steady upward trend since 1991. According to the quantity and quality of literature in the statistics, the United State was the best, followed by France, Spain, Australia and England. There were more core authors in the United States. The research hotspot in Potyvirus was the gene silence and molecular biology, and the research area tend to viral host (such as gene silencing, host resistance, the interaction virus-host) and interdiscipli-nary. There is a great distance between China and the international advanced level, including less research efforts and the less high papers. [Conclusion] The United States in the research field is at the top. China need to put more efforts to shorten the gap.