Each region has different spatial attributions and therefore different suitability for human construction. The scale and spatial network of transport infrastructure is an important factor in a region' s suitability for construction, and influences the selection of residential and industrial areas. Here, we construct a methodology to appraise regional transport dominance. At the macroscopic dimension, the methodology chiefly focuses on integrated regional dominance of various transport infrastructure (railway, road and airport), physical spatial pattems and overall features. At the microscopic dimension this methodology applies a grid model to evaluate transport dominance and determine the physical factors (height and slope) influencing transport dominance. We use the Yushu earthquake region as our focal area, including the whole earthquake region and worst-hit area of Yushu county. We discuss the hierarchical structure and spatial differentiation of regional transport dominance and supporting capacity of transport infrastructures. Based on the spatial pattem of regional transport dominance, we further analyze differentiation of land suitability and delimit suitable regions for human socioeconomic activity. The results show that about one-tenth of land resources in Yushu County has high construction suitability and is suitable for human settlements and socioeconomic activity, but 75% of land resources have low suitability. We delimit accurately the spatial scope of the suitable region according to higher suitability, spatial continuum, and land area and identify five regions (Batang Beachland, Jiegu Town area, Longbao area, Shanglaxiu area, Xialaxiu area. However, Batang Beachland and Jiegu Town) that have the best spatial allocation of transportation, terrain height, slope, water resources and agriculture, and have the highest suitability to construct a city, town, residential center, and industrial park. The methodology presented here will increase the accuracy of transport dominance, and help to e