通过野外考察和标本的整理鉴定,结合文献资料,对新疆黄耆属(Astragalus L.)袋果组(Sect.Trichonstylus)和兔尾状组(Sect.Laguropsis)植物进行形态分类学研究。结果表明新疆黄耆属袋果组有2种,其中毛柱黄耆(A.hey-dei Baker)是新疆新记录种;兔尾状组有15种,其中兔尾黄耆(A.laguroides Pall.)是中国新记录种。
The morphological taxonomy of Astragalus L. Sect. Trichonstylus (Baker) Taub. and Astragalus L. Sect. Laguropsis Bunge was studied from Xinjiang in China based on specimen examination, field investigation and literature materials. The result showed that Sect. Trichonstylus contains 2 species, of which 1 species, A. heydei Baker, was first reported in Xinjiang; And 15 species of Sect. Laguropsis were occurred in the area, including 1 new recorded species in China,Astragalus laguroides Pall..