针对低信噪比条件下单通道通信信号与干扰盲分离问题,本文提出了一种基于遗传粒子滤波的单通道盲扰信分离新算法.该算法首先建立了受扰信号的状态空间模型,并利用粒子滤波得到通信码元和未知参数的最大后验估计.针对标准粒子滤波中存在的粒子退化现象,本文引入了遗传进化操作来迭代估计优质粒子,在减少了所需粒子数量的同时,又保持了序贯估计过程中粒子集合的多样性和优质性,使新算法在低信噪比条件下具有更好的分离效果.仿真结果表明,新算法在干信比小于15 dB,信噪比大于10 dB的条件下,可以有效地从单路接收的受扰信号中分离出通信信号与干扰.
A novel approach of blind separation of communication signal and interference is proposed for only one single-channel observation signal obtained and low signal noiser atio (SNR). The proposed algorithm aims to obtain the maximum a posterior (MAP) estimates of communication code and the unknown parameters using particle filtering by establishing the state space model for the observation signal, Specially, in order to overcome the sample impoverishment problem and estimate iteratively the particles that have more important weigh, genetic operation is introduced to the resampling process in particle fi!tcring, In such a way, the number of needed particles is red,iced and the variety of particles iS retained during the sequential estimation process, Simulation results show that the proposed a!gorithm has superior performance thegn the classical particle filtering, and the method, can effectiv!y separate communication signal and interference when the interference signal ratio (ISR) is less than 15 dB and SNR is more than 10 dB.