Fiber-optic ultrasonic sensors possess the ability to detect ultrasonic waves by recovery of light intensity, wavelength,phase, and polarization. Compared with traditional electrical ultrasonic transducers, fiber-optic ultrasonic sensors have several merits, such as broadband response, high sensitivity, disturbance resistance, and good reusability, which are helpful to improve the reliability and efficiency of ultrasonic detection in underwater defense security, bioimaging, nondestructive inspection, and imaging of seismic physical models.To date, according to the principle, fiber-optic ultrasonic sensors can be classified into three types, including intensity modulation, fiber-optic interferometers and fiber gratings. For the intensity-modulated fiber-optic ultrasonic sensors, ultrasonic waves can be detected by measuring optical fiber coupling loss, fiber transmission-reflection loss,fiber reflection loss and fiber polarization loss. The phase difference in fiber-optic interferometers can be modulated by ultrasonic strain. According to the interference mechanism, fiber-optic interferometric ultrasonic sensors are generally based on Mach-Zehnder interference, Fabry-Perot interference, Michelson interference and Sagnac interference. For the ultrasonic sensors based on fiber gratings, the grating length is supposed to be shorter than the ultrasonic wavelength so that the ultrasonic stress presents constant along the fiber gratings. Currently, the approaches of spectral edge filtering and wavelength-matched filtering are utilized to transform optical signals into voltage signals, which highly depend on the slope of the grating spectra. Thus, the fiber gratings with extremely narrow 3-d B bandwidth, such as phase shifted fiber Bragg grating, are preferred for highly sensitive ultrasonic detection. Besides the fiber-optic passive sensing,the distributed feedback fiber laser and distributed Bragg reflector also exhibit outstanding advantages in ultrasonic detection.Fiber-optic ultrasonic detecting technique is one of