将谱混合模型(Spectral Mixture Model,SMM)方法应用到黑潮水与东中国海陆架水之间的水交换中。在此基础上,定义了东海黑潮流系与东中国海大陆架之间的水交换区,并进一步对该带状交换区的空间分布和时间变化规律进行研究。首次得到该交换区面积随时间的变化与东海黑潮流系穿越东中国海大陆架200 m等深线的向岸体积通量的变化呈现出-0.78的显著的负相关关系。另外,研究结果还揭示出,来自太平洋的季节内信号有可能穿越黑潮主轴进入东中国海海域。
The Spectral Mixture Model(SMM) is adopted to determine the exchange area between the Kuroshio and the shelf water of the East China Sea in this study. And the spatial distribution and temporal variation laws are studied further.There is a significant negative correlation of-0.78 between the area of the exchange zone and the Kuroshio onshore transport across 200 m isobath in the East China Sea. In addition to the annual and semi-annual signals, the intra-seasonal signal of Pacific may also induce Kuroshio intrusions and exchange events in the East China Sea.