本研究选取了中国近海蛾螺科动物16属,共计21种,进行了齿舌解剖,利用扫描电子显微镜对齿舌进行了观察,并对其形态特征进行了研究对比。结果证明,蛾螺科种类的齿舌齿式为1·1·1。通过研究发现蛾螺科动物的齿舌形态结构包括形状、排列方式以及齿尖数目虽然在属内、种内有一定的变化,但仍可以作为蛾螺科种类的分类依据之一,从而将各属、种区分开来。此外,本研究确认了在火红土产螺Pisania ignea(Gmelin,1791)中存在着齿舌两性异型现象。
In present study, radulae of 21 buccinid species belonging to 16 genera were morphologically studied in scanning electron microscopy(SEM). The result shows that all the buccinid species has a radula formula of 1·1·1; the shape; and the arrangement of radular teeth and the number of cusps are useful for distinguishing the buccinids at both generic and specific levels. In addition, sexual dimorphism in the radula of Pisania ignea(Gmelin, 1791) was confirmed.