We collected behavioral data from a group of white-headed langurs ( Trachypitheucs leucocephalus) between August 2007 and July 2008 at Fusui Rare Animal Reserve,Guangxi Province,China using the instantaneous scan sampling method. Our goal is to investigate the influences of temporal and spatial distribution of temperature and food resources on diurnal activity budgets of white-headed langurs. Our results indicated that white-headed langurs showed morning and afternoon feeding peaks,with a midday resting peak in accordance of changes of diurnal ambient temperature. There were marked seasonal changes in activity cycles: more time was spent resting in the midday resting peak in the rainy season than in the dry season. On the contrary,there was a minor midday feeding peak in the dry season. Langurs spent ca. 46. 4% of their daytime resting,29. 0% moving,20. 3% feeding,4. 3% for other behaviors. Their activity budgets varied seasonally: the langurs spent more time in moving + feeding and less time on resting in the dry season than in the rainy season. There were significant correlations between the monthly percentage of time spent on various main activities and the monthly proportion of young leaves and mature leaves in the diet.