The metamaterials unit of two-layer "lattice" type is loaded right above the coaxial feed microstrip antenna, and the effect of its zero refractive index is used to gather the electromagnetic wave. The π-type metamaterials unit is loaded to the an- tenna substrate, and the forbidden band effect of the metamaterials is used to suppress the backward wave of the antenna. The two optimization methods are compared and analyzed respectively with experiments, and a high-directivity and high-gain mi- crostrip antenna was designed by synthesizing the two methods. In combination with the results of simulation experiment and actual test, the correctness of the theory is verified. Compared with the traditional antenna, the gain of the designed microstrip antenna is 8.94 dB, which is increased by 3.03 dB, and improved with 51.27%; the directivity factor is 10.69 dB, which is increased by 3.51 dB, and improved with 48.89%. The performance of the microstrip antenna can achieve the target of design experiment.