针对实验室的差分电容变化量为fF量级、频带宽度为0-20kHz的电容式加速度计,设计了一种可以有效减少噪声、失调电压和寄生电容影响的读出电路。该电路由开关电容积分电路、低噪声运放和单位增益采样保持电路组成。在0.5μm 2P3MCMOS工艺下完成该电路设计,通过仿真结果表明,该电路的输出电压与差分电容变化量成很好的线性关系,可以检测差分电容变化量达到fF量级。
According to our lab's capacitive accelerometer which has differential capacitance output in the fF range and a bandwidth of 20kHz, a readout ASIC with substantially lower noise, offset voltage and higher immunity to parasitic capacitance is designed. This circuit is composed of switched-capacitor integrator circuit, low noise amplifier and unitygain sample-and-hold circuit. This design implemented 0.5μm 2P3M CMOS process. Simulation shows good linearity between input differential capacitance and output voltage. Besides, differential capacitance in the fF range can be detected.