20世纪以来,社会、经济和地缘政治的变化使得科学与服务以及知识的研发与应用之间的矛盾进一步加剧。顺应社会发展的要求,发展心理学融合诸多相关学科而逐渐形成了一门新兴学科——应用发展科学(Applied Developmental Science)。与传统发展心理学相比,应用发展科学更强调生态化研究、发展性研究、积极干预和发展知识的普及。它力图实现多学科间知识的融合增效以及深入社会的知识研发和应用,从而更好地以问题为中心来解决影响个体发展的社会问题。应用发展科学能够为有关人类发展的科学研究和实践应用提供新的知识经验,同时,它又通过直接参与和影响社会政策的制定与实施来促进社会的积极发展。
The latter part of the twentieth century was marked by public anxiety about a myriad of social problems including economic development, environmental quality, health care, poverty, violence, school failure that were affecting the lives of vulnerable children, adolescents, adults, families, and communities. The potential role of scientific knowledge about human development in addressing these issues resulted in growing interest in what has been termed applied developmental science. In order to build interdisciplinary bridges and accomplish the collaboration of university and community, applied developmental science includes several defining features: developmental systems theory, diversity, longitudinal methodology, the normative developmental process, reciprocity of knowledge generation and knowledge application, and developmental interventions and enhancement programs. Under the new outreach research paradigm of applied developmental science, knowledge advances as a function of collaborations and partnerships between universities and communities such that the scientists and the children, families, and communities that they seek to understand and help are defining problems, methods, and solutions together. Applied developmental science is attracting the increasing interest of both policymakers and the private and public founders of applied research. Moreover, it is building a set of moral norms for the interdisciplinary research in the field.