报道了西藏兰科植物的2个新记录属——美冠兰属(Eulophia R.Br.ex Lindl.)和铠兰属(Corybas Salisb.),以及2个新记录种——无叶美冠兰(Eulophia zollingeri(Rchb.f.)J.J.Smith)和大理铠兰(Corybas taliensis T.Tang et F.T.Wang).凭证标本保存于西藏大学农牧学院-西南大学药用植物联合研发中心药用植物标本室(TAAHC-SWU).这2个种的分布生境与记载基本相同,而居群分布海拔则高出约500~700m;此外,西藏采集的无叶美冠兰的花期比植物志记载的花期晚;大理铠兰花期比植物志记载的明显要早,反映了这2种植物具有更强的生态适应性和更宽的分布生态幅.美冠兰属和铠兰属植物在西藏境内的首次发现,进一步完善了兰科植物的地理分布信息和兰科系统演化的资料,丰富了西藏兰科植物属种的多样性组成.
Two genera,Eulophia R.Br.ex Lindl.and Corybas Salisb.,are reported as new records of Ochidaceae in Tibet,with two newly recorded species,Eulophia zollingeri(Rchb.f.)J.J.Smith and Corybas taliensis T.Tang et F.T.Wang.The morphological descriptions of the two plants were provided,and the voucher specimens were deposited in the herbarium of Medicinal Plants Joint Research and Development Centre(TAAHC-SWU)of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College of Tibet University-Southwest University.The distributed habitats of the two species are basically identical with record,but the populations'distribution elevation is about 500-700 m higher than that in references.Moreover,the florescence of E.zollingeri(Rchb.f.)J.J.Smith is later than the record of Flora,but the C.taliensis T.Tang et F.T.Wang has the opposite change,which reflects that the two species have better ecological adaptability and wider ecological amplitude.The first discovery of Eulophia R.Br.ex Lindl.and Corybas Salisb.perfects the geographical distribution and phylogeny information for Ochidaceae,and enriches the Ochidaceae species diversity in Tibet.