To investigate the effects of fuel compositions variation on the combustion characteristics of so- ramjet engines, a series of combustion tests were conducted in a direct-connected test rig fueled with vaporized RP-3 and ethylene under the inflow conditions of Ma=2.92, 3.46, stagnation temperature Tt=1430K. The super- sonic combustion characteristics of vaporized RP-3 and ethylene were compared and analyzed based on the igni- tion delay time, static pressure distribution along the combustor wall, thrust increments and fuel specific im- pulses. The results show that ethylene has a higher combustion performance and fuel utilization efficiency than that of vaporized RP-3 due to its higher activity. For the cases of Ma=2.92, equivalence ratio φ≈0.60 and 1.06, the specific impulses of ethylene are approximately 15% and 7.2% higher than that of vaporized RP-3 respective- ly. When Ma increases to 3.46, the gaps of specific impulses between ethylene and vaporized RP-3 are slightly enlarged to approximately 18% and 9.6% under approximately equal φ. The test conditions such as the inflow Maeh number at the combustor inlet and equivalence ratio have great impacts on the combustion characteristics of seramjet engines. The effects of fuel compositions on combustion characteristics are weakened with the increase of equivalence ratio, and are not sensitive to the inflow Maeh number at the combustor inlet.