半蓝角伪叶甲Cerogria basalis(Hope,1831)为角伪叶甲属Cerogria Borchmann,1909的1个大型种,过去仅知道分布于印度,尼泊尔,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那,一直缺乏详细和正式的形态描述。近年来,我们从云南采集到该种的雌虫和雄虫。本文对该种雌性和雄性成虫,特别是触角、腹板和雄性外生殖器特征作了详细描述。提供了该种雌、雄两性成虫的背面观和腹面观以及生境照片,以及触角、雄性末节腹板以及雄性外生殖器特征图片。本文还讨论了种内变异。这些工作为该种的正确鉴定提供了依据。
Cerogria basalis(Hope, 1831) is a large-sized species in the genus Cerogria Borchmann, 1909, and was known to be distributed in Bosnia Herzegovina, Nepal and India. This species has been lacking a detailed and formal description. In past years we collected a male and four females of this species from Yunnan, China.In this paper, we describe both the adult male and female of this species in detail, especially providing diagnostic features of the antenna, ventrite and male aedeagus. We provide photographs of the dorsal and ventral view, habitat of both male and female adults, and figures detailing the diagnostic features of both male and female antenna, male abdominal ventrites and the male aedeagus. In addition, we discuss one intraspecific variation found in this species. This provides an important basis for correct identification of this species.