目的对牡荆Viter negundo var.cannabifolia子及黄荆Vitex negundo子进行比较研究,为其鉴别提供实验依据。方法采用原植物外观、性状、显微、薄层和HPLC鉴别方法,对黄荆子与牡荆子进行定性定量研究。结果黄荆子与牡荆子在原植物形态、药材性状上相似,通过原植物和性状进行鉴别存在一定困难;显微鉴别中石细胞特征可为两者的有效鉴别提供实验依据;薄层鉴别中以黄荆子素为对照品,黄荆子中黄荆子素丰度明显高于牡荆子;HPLC测定中,黄荆子中所含黄荆子素的量高于牡荆子。结论可采用显微、薄层和HPLC方法,结合药材粉末的石细胞特征和黄荆子素量差异对黄荆子与牡荆子进行有效地鉴别。
Objective To provide experimental basis for the identification of Vitex negundo var. cannabifolia fruits and V. negundo fruits by comparative study. Methods The original plant identification, morphological identification, microscopic identification, TLC and HPLC identification were adopted to distinguish the two kinds of materials. Results It is difficult to tell the difference of these two medicinal fruits in term of original plant identification and morphological identification to their similarity, while microscopic identification, TLC and HPLC identification revealed that the characteristics of sclereid could be used to distinguish these two fruits. Conclusion Microscopic identification on the sclereid characteristics of fruits powder, combined with TLC and HPLC identification can be the feasible method that used to distinguish V. negundo fruits and V. negundo var. cannabifolia fruits.