Named as an wetted axial multi-channel centrifugal dedusting device , a novel dust-controlling device was presented .The device consists of a fan section , an axial multi-channel spiral dedusting ( AMSD) section and a baf-fle dehydrator section .The calculations on AMSD section , which contained 65 models of different sizes , were con-ducted by numerical method .The size parameters were optimized as followed: (1) the length is L=1.5m, and (2) the outer cylinder radius is R=0.4m, and (3) the inner cylinder radius is r=0.1m, and (4) the number of helical channel is n=4, and (5) the length of a single helical channel is a=0 .22 m.Through engineering cal-culation, the "P"baffles dehydrator and FBD№6 .0/2 ×15 axial fan were selected.The performance of the optimized device were obtained, as the dedusting efficiency of total dust was 94 .4%, the dedusting efficiency of respirable dust was 73.3%, the dehydration efficiency was bigger than 85%, and the pressure loss was 1639Pa, respectively.