位置:成果数据库 > 期刊 > 期刊详情页
  • 期刊名称:固体力学学报
  • 时间:0
  • 页码:465-474
  • 语言:中文
  • 分类:O321[理学—一般力学与力学基础;理学—力学]
  • 作者机构:[1]华中科技大学船舶与海洋工程学院,武汉430074
  • 相关基金:国家自然科学基金项目(50805055)资助.
  • 相关项目:水下单、双层加筋圆柱壳结构振动与辐射噪声关系机理研究



The vibration characteristics of two types of linked structure between outer shell arid inner shell of double stiffened cylindrical shells, namely annular plates and splints, are studied. The annular plates' vibration is treated as both extensional and bending vibration, only extensional vibration and only radial vibration, respectively. Moreover, the splints' vibration is treated as extensional vibration, only ra- dial vibration and pole's vibration, respectively. The comparison of three methods for each structure type shows that different methods have different precision. A conclusion is drawn from the present analysis: the splints linked double shells have similar sound radiation to the annular plate's connected ones when splints fully overspread in the circumferential direction.
