Distributed hydrological model becomes an important tool for revealing the temporal and spatial characteristics of water cycles at ranging scale. But the application of the model at regions without runoff observations is still a major obstacle to overcome. In this study, a HRU-based distributed hydrological model was developed with SWAT for a large lake basin based on DEM, land use, reservoir, climate and hydrological data. To obtain a deterministic and physical mechanism clear parameter system some field work on understanding of parameters was performed, then the calibrated and validated with SUFI-2 algorithm were conducted within the hydrological gauging station control regions by using SWAT-CUP. The results show that the application of the model could be more efficient with field knowledge support about rational value ranges of the parameters. The efficiency coefficient values NSE and the correlation of determination coefficient Rz values were easily reaching 0.81 at monthly step (0.62 for daily simulation), and the number of iteration progress was also largely reduced. In this distributed model, the hydrological response unit (HRUs) reflects the heterogeneity of hydrological behaviors of the catchment in space. Thus, some of the hydro-parameters are transportable between HRUs with similar conditions of terrain, land use and soil attributes. Base on the experimental knowledge and output of parameters from validation, the hydrological model was extended covering the whole basin by homogeneous transplantation of hydro- parameters in HRUs. For the ponder regions, the flow exchange process was dealt by introducing a virtual reservoir for each independent ponder. The output of the extended model successfully reveals the characters of ratios among ET, surface runoff, baseflow at a HRU, sub-basin and basin scales. The simulated baseflow, and ET processes are well consist with BFI and remote sending retrieved ET data. From the application of this study, a detailed database covering land use, soil properties an