Grasslands represent the most extensive ecosystems on earth. Soil conservation is vital for maintai- ning grassland ecosystem services. Using RS and GIS technologies, the soil conservation function and its spa- tial distribution characteristics in grassland ecosystems of the Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia, China, are as- sessed using the RUSLE model. The results show that the quantity of soil conserved was 168. 18 t/ha, and 1.65X l0^8 t/a across the whole basin. The spatial variation of soil conservation capability reveals a declining trend from upper to lower catchment areas. The meadow steppe had the highest soil conservation capability, followed by farmland and typical steppe; sandy soils had the poorest capability. The soil conservation capability of grassland ecosystems increased non-linearly with increasing vegetation coverage. Sustaining grassland eco- system services in the Xilin River Basin can be achieved by increasing vegetation coverage, while maintaining the structure and function of the typical steppe.