Four experiments were designed to investigate the influence of photoperiod and ambient temperature on body weight, body temperature, resting oxygen consumption (RMR), nonshivering thermogenesis (NSTmax) and cellular biochemistry in Eothenomys miletus. Eothenomys miletus were acclimated to the following conditions for 28 days: 1) long days and warm (30-LP)(30±1℃,18L∶6D),2) long days and cold (5-LP)( 5±1℃, 18L∶6D), 3)short days and warm (30-SP)( 30±1℃, 6L∶18D), 4)short days and cold(5-SP) (5±1℃, 6L∶18D). The results showed that temperature was the more important environmental factor for variations of thermogenesis in Eothenomys miletus. In both photoperiods, body weight, body temperature, RMR and NSTmax were significantly modified by ambient temperatures. Exposure to ambient temperatures at 5±1℃ was associated with a decrease in body weight, body temperature and an increase in RMR and NSTmax, Heat exposure caused an increase in body temperature and an decrease in RMR and NSTmax. The low temperature could induce an increase in Liver/BAT protein contents, mitochondrial state-3 and state-4 respiration, α-glycerophosphate oxidase of Liver/BAT mitochondria, and cytochrome C oxidase activity of Liver /BAT mitochondria.A warm ambient temperature induced opposite phenomena. But there were no significant differences between long days and short days. Thermoregulatory responses to changes in ambient temperature were not significantly altered by day length. It seemed that Eothenomys miletus were more sensitive to temperature.