Tang Ming, received her Ph.D degree from Computer School of Wuhan University, China in 2007. Ct, nently, she is an associate professor in Wuhan Unviersity. Her research interests include information security, cryptography, and cryptographic chip. Fxmil: nltang@ 126.com Qiu zhenlong, is pursuing his B.S. degree of computer science in Wuhan University, China. Deng Hui, is cunently an M.S. candidate in Wuhan University, China. His research interest is cryptanalysis of block ciphers, especially for diffizrcntial fault analysis. Liu Shubo, received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in conHuter science and conlnunication system from Wuhan University. Cllina. He is the vice-director of the Engineefing Department of Computer School at Wuhan University. His research interests are embedded system, multimedia security and computcr engineering. Zhang Huanguo, is a professor in Conputer School of Wuhan University, China. His research interests are intbrrmtion security, trusted computing and fault-tolerant computing.