On the basis of the ignition experiments of JP-10 and kerosene in shock tube, the experiments of effect of enhancers, nitromethane and diehlormethane, on ignition characteristics of JP-10 and kerosene were performed. Under conditions for a tailored interface in a preheated shock tube, the experimental time of about 7 ms was obtained. The whole variation of the OH radical emission at 306.5nm was observed in the ignition process by a monochrornator with a photomultiplier, to identify the time to ignition. When the molar ratio of the added enhancer with the fuel accounted for 10% - 20%, correspondingly the mass ratio was 5% - 12%, a significant reduction in ignition time was observed experimentally. Specifically, at 1100K the addition of 10% mole ratio of CH3N02 produced a 70% reduction in the ignition time for JP-10. The ignition time of kerosene were shortened effectively, when 10% - 15 % mole ratio of CH3N02 was added, correspondingly the mass ratio was 5% - 6%. Specifically, at 1000K the ignition time for kerosene decreased by 50%.