在考虑非理想电路损耗情况下,研究了无线网络下行链路中一个发送端和多个接收端的最优传输调度策略问题.根据该问题特殊的结构,提出了新颖的OOSCPMR(非理想电路损耗下有多个接收端的最优离线调度)算法,从而找到使得传输能效最优的离线调度策略.被传输的包分为2种类型:类型Ⅰ可以利用高能效的传输时间来进行传输,类型Ⅱ要使用ID moveright算法来确定其传输时间.最后,根据提出的OOSCPMR算法,提出了实际可行的在线调度算法.仿真结果表明,最优离线传输调度是在线传输调度的下界,且提出的调度算法的性能优于其他现有的调度算法.
The downlink energy-efficient transmission schedule with non-ideal circuit power over Wreless networks involving a single transmitter and multiple receivers was investigated. According to the special structure of the problem, a novel algorithm called OOSCPMR (the optimal offine scheduling with non-ideal circuit power for multi-receivers) is proposed, and the optimal offine solutions to optimize the energy- efficient transmission policy are found. The packets to be transmitted can be divided into two types where one type of packet is determined to be transmitted using the enrgy- efficient tansmission time, and the other type of packet is determined by the ID moveright algorithm. Finally, an energy-efficient online schedule is developed based on te proposed OOSCPMR algoriAm. Simulation results show that the optima offline transmission schedule provides te lower bound performance for the online tansmission schedule. The proposed optimal offline and online policy is more energy efficient than the existing schemes tat assume ideal circuit power.