目的研究建立刺头复叶耳蕨中总黄酮的含量测定方法。方法利用紫外可见分光光度法(比色法),以芦丁为标准品,测定标准曲线,得到线性回归方程,对测定方法进行考察。结果以芦丁为标准品,建立了标准曲线的回归方程为Y=0.0121X-0.0322,R2=0.9998,线性关系在17.20-68.80μg/m L范围内。总黄酮平均回收率为101.36%,RSD为0.824%(n=6)。结论该方法操作简单,方法精密度、重现性良好,样品溶液在40min稳定性良好,可用于刺头复叶耳蕨中总黄酮含量的测定,为质量控制提供依据。
OBJECTIVE To establish ultraviolet spectrophotometry for the content determination of total fla- vones from Arachniodes Exilis Ching. METHODS Total flavones in Araehniodes Exilis Ching were determined by ultravi- olet spectrophotomctry with rutin as the reference substance. RESULTS The regression equation of rutin standard curve: Y =0. 0121X -0. 0322 was established, the correlation coefficient is 0. 9998. The linear range for rutin was 17. 20 -68. 80μg/mL. The recovery rate of total flavones was 101.36%, RSD =0. 824% (n =6). CONCLUSION This method was fit to determine the total flavonids of Arachniodes Exilis Ching for the quality control , and it was easy to handle with good credibility, repeatability and stability.