The changes of evaportranspiration (ET) and drainage fraction under different scenarios in Zhanghe Irrigation District were analyzed based on modified SWAT model, and water-saving potential was discussed further. Results showed ET of paddy field under different irrigation modes in decreasing order was as follow: continues flooding, intermit irrigation, shallow wet and dry. According to the regulation of ET, the theoretical water-saving rate in current situation was 14. 5~, which was far higher than actual water-saving potential ~ Compared with continues flooding, water saving rates were 1.6~, 2.4~ under in- termit irrigation and irrigation mode of shallow wet and dry. Using drainage reuse technique, theoretical water-saving rate was 16~ in current situation~ When the area ratio between pond and watershed catch- ment area increased from 30 ~ to 50 ~, water-saving rate based on drainage was 3.8 % and actual water- saving rate was only 1 ~, while water-saving rate by traditional way was 19.9 ~ ~ so water-saving potential calculated by different methods could lead to vast differences.