In recent years, international entrepreneurship has become one of the focus of entrepreneurship research, born-global firm as a special form of intemational entrepreneurship attracted the attention of many domestic and foreign scholars. This study based on 187 samples of bom-global firms, deeply researched the relationship between learning orientation and performance, and considered the mediating role of ambidextrous innovation between leaming orientation and born-global firms' performance. The empirical results show that, without considering other factors, the three sub-dimensions of learning orientation (commitment to learning, shared vision, open-minded- ness) has a significant positive impact on the performance of born-global firms. After putting ambidextrous innova- tion into an integrated model, the results show that three sub-dimensions of learning orientation and performance are fully mediated by ambidextrous innovation. Finally, the results are discussed, and points out the limitations of this study and furore research direction.