The magnetization, resistivity and ultrasonic sound velocity have been measured in polycrystalline Nd0.5Ca0.5Mn0.97Co0.03O3. A charge ordering transition was observed near 220K in the temperature dependence of magnetization and resistivity curves. It was found that the longitudinal sound velocity shows a dramatic softening and stiffening around charge ordering transition Tco. The ultrasonic anomaly near Tco indicates the existence of strong el ectron-phonon interaction in Nd0.5Ca0.5Mn0.97Co0.03O3 which originates from Jahn-Teller effect. Around TMI-100K, a insulator-metal transition coincident with the FM transition was observed. The transport mechanism of system in the temperature ranges TMI〈 T 〈 TCO obey the variable-range hopping (VRH) model.