Under physiological pH conditions, bisulfite is a main type after the atmospheric pollutant SO2 dis- solves in water. Consequently, the functional role of NaHSO3 on algal photosynthetic physiology has been ex- tensively studied. Recent experimental results showed that NaHSO3 in a low amount improved photosynthetic efficiency via increasing cyclic electron transport around photosystem I and optimizing the ratio of ATP to NA- DPH; in a moderate amount could enhance the yield of H2 photoproduction by the reaction of bisulfite with su- peroxide anion produced at the acceptor side ofphotosystem I, and consequently building an anaerobic environ- ment and activating hydrogenase; and in a high amount suppressed the aforementioned photosynthetic reactions, including photosynthetic CO2 assimilation and HE photoproduction. This mini-review describes main- ly the concentration effect of NaHSO3 on algal photosynthetic physiology.