报道了利用脉宽可调的光子晶体光纤飞秒激光放大器抽运矩形波导结构的GaP晶体太赫兹(THz)发射器产生频率可调谐的超快THz脉冲,非线性晶体中光整流过程产生的THz辐射频率随抽运光脉冲宽度而变化.GaP波导THz发射器可通过波导的儿何尺寸来控制色散,以达到增加有效作用长度和提高输出功率的目的.不同横截而尺寸的波导型发射器的THz辐射峰值频率随相位匹配条件的改变而改变,加以脉宽调节技术,可以在大频谱范围获得频谱精细可调的THz脉冲.实验中在1 mm×0.7 mm的波导型THz发射器中获得了频率可调谐的THz脉冲.提出实现THz辐射频率大范围调谐的GaP波导型阵列发射器的实施方案.
We report on a frequency-tunable terahertz pulse train generated from a rectangular GaP waveguide emitter pumped by a pulse width tunable femtosecond photonic crystal fiber amplifier.The THz frequency can be tuned by varying the pump pulse duration.The dispersion of the emitter can be controlled via the geometry of the waveguide,and the coherent buildup length can be increased to scale up the output power.Waveguides with different cross sections can be used to tune the THz spectrum.Combined with the pump pulse duration tuning technique,THz pulses with a precisely tunable frequency can be obtained.In the experiment,tunable THz radiation is obtained from a GaP waveguide emitter with a cross section of 1 mm×0.7 mm.Finally,a GaP emitter array is designed to achieve a wider tuning range.