通过内部盆的段落和在海洋彼岸的节的年度吝啬的体积和热运输图案在 MOM4p1 的结果上面基于 1 400 年的旋转被构造了。在来自休息的一个状态的开始上面的旋转,从 NOAA 世界海洋地图集(1994 ) 由每月的 climatological 平均数力量开车。体积运输大意揭示根本向北方全部搬运和平、向南方的运输在大西洋的纬度。通过流动的 Pacific-Arctic-Atlantic 的年度吝啬的力量是 0.63 吗??
The annual mean volume and heat transport sketches through the inter-basin passages and transoceanic sections have been constructed based on 1400-year spin up results of the MOM4p 1. The spin up starts from a state of rest, driven by the monthly climatological mean force from the NOAAWorld Ocean Atlas (1994). The volume transport sketch reveals the northward transport throughout the Pacific and southward transport at all latitudes in the Atlantic. The annual mean strength of the Pacific-Arctic-Atlantic through flow is 0.63x106 m3/s in the Bering Strait. The majority of the northward volume transport in the southern Pacific turns into the Indonesian through flow (ITF) and joins the Indian Ocean equatorial current, which subse- quently flows out southward from the Mozambique Channel, with its majority superimposed on the Ant- arctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). This anti-cyclonic circulation around Australia has a strength of 11 x 106 ms /s according to the model-produced result. The atmospheric fresh water transport, known as P-E~R (pre- cipitation minus evaporation plus runoff), constructs a complement to the horizontal volume transport of the ocean. The annual mean heat transport sketch exhibits a northward heat transport in the Atlantic and poleward heat transport in the global ocean. The surface heat flux acts as a complement to the horizontal heat transport of the ocean. The climatological volume transports describe the most important features through the inter-basin passages and in the associated basins, including: the positive P-E+R in the Arctic substantially strengthening the East Greenland Current in summer; semiannual variability of the volume transport in the Drake Passage and the southern Atlantic-Indian Ocean passage; and annual transport vari- ability of the ITF intensifying in the boreal summer. The climatological heat transports show heat storage in July and heat deficit in January in the Arctic; heat storage in January and heat deficit in July in the Antarctic circumpolar curren